On Monday, Miss Addison started having "crusty" eyes so she stayed home from school with Kevin, assuming she had pink eye. She played and ate as if she was feeling normal. That evening she started complaining about her stomach and head hurting and around 8ish, we realized she was running a fever. By 10:30, it was 104. The rest of the night she was very restless, crying out, and running a fever. We went to the doctor on Tuesday morning first thing and she was tested for strep (negative) and flu (negative). They also took blood (which was terrible!).
We left the doctor and ran an errand and got a call that the blood work was back and she had a very elevated white blood cell count (average is 4.8 and she was at 22). She asked us to come back in and run another blood test, get a urine sample, and have a chest xray. On the way back in the car is the first time she threw up. Getting blood drawn the second time was even more terrible for her and us! She was so upset - poor Addi! Also, getting a 4 year old to pee on demand is not easy - let's just say we were in the restroom for 30 minutes trying to get this accomplished.
The urine sample results showed that Addi was dehydrated. The radiologist thought that there was a spot on her lungs that showed signs of pneumonia. Our instructions were to get her hydrated and get on the antibiotic and return to the doctor Wednesday morning with another urine sample. We did all of that as best as possible, but she was not showing improvement and still had a vey high fever when the Motrin or Tylenol was wearing off. Not to mention, that she was throwing up, or at least trying to, more often (even though it didn't have much consistency). They told us to take her to the ER at Texas Children's Hospital.
This is where we have been since Wednesday at 11am. After IV fluids were given, she still wasn't showing much improvement. They ran more blood tests, flu test, and another chest xray. They didn't agree about the pneumonia, but also weren't able to determine what else was wrong. They gave her some strong antibiotics, anti-nausea med, more motrin for fever, and decided to keep us around longer for observation. She perked up for about 1-2 hours yesterday afternoon before Kevin left and we were really hoping for a good night.
That wasn't the case, unfortunately! During the night, she had periods of very high fever (104.7) and most of the night, the battled lots of diarreha. I only brought 3 pairs of panties for her and that was used up really quick. We had to resort to what the hospital had - diapers. She was not happy about that at all, but I wasn't going to leave the hospital to buy underwear in the middle of the night with her under any condition, but especially in the condition she was in. It was a very long night for her and I just hope tonight will be better.
Today, it has been more of the same. They finally gave her some anti-diarreha meds too and that seems to help some. She still has high fevers and they are still running more tests. We are waiting on the results of some of them still. Some of the tests have come back with better results - she's not as dehydrated and her white blood cell count is practically cut in half. They think all of this is a virus, but don't know much more - which is so FRUSTRATING! I would love to figure out what it is, to determine what treatment she needs, and get her back to normal. She has been through the ringer this week, but she has been very brave. Unfortunately, it looks like she is traumatized with the blue rubberband that they use before they take blood/give an IV and she not hates any and all medicine taken by mouth - even they yummy cherry Tylenol. Looks like we will be here again tonight, but we are hopeful that she is well enough to go home soon. I will be going home with Cooper this evening, while Kevin takes a turn here. Let's just hope it's much better than last night!
Please say a little prayer for our sweet girl!